SWW DP Research Festival 2021 – An AI Coded by an Octopus

Thank you so much to the South, West and Wales Doctoral Partnership for hosting us at their 2021 Research Festival to talk about the ISCRI project. We had some interesting questions and were really pleased with the feedback we received.

Our goal is to create an artificial intelligence (AI) that can communicate with an octopus. Here, we talk about how we aim to do this by using artwork based on their research into octopus cognition combined with a non-goal-directed form of machine learning called reinforcement learning, and following a whole-systems approach. This talk introduces Etic Lab’s design philosophy and methods for building collaborative, cross-disciplinary projects.

It was also great to meet everyone at the “Scoping Your Digital Collaborations” workshop sessions and don’t worry if you missed out on a slot – catch up with us here with our concept development service.

To discuss the ideas presented in this article please click here.