Etic Lab

Tools and Experiments

At Etic Lab, it’s not enough just to have a clever idea – we give ourselves the responsibility to do something about them. In some cases, this means creating a tool to be used by clients, partners, or even members of the public. These applications represent our efforts to share what we’ve learned from our research in a form which will hopefully be useful to people beyond our immediate community. In more than one instance, they’ve formed the basis of products which we’ve later developed for market. Here, you can explore tools we’ve built to track and compare business rates in different locations, or to build your own automated Twitter presence. You could start by checking out “Introducing Etic Lab’s Secure Integrated Communication Suite”, our initial prospectus for a privacy-preserving communications platform, which has since been spun out into Kuva – an independent company offering secure videoconferencing, scheduling and messaging for confidential advice providers.

If you have a question about any of our tools and experiments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Looking for where to start? Here’s a snippet from one of our articles relating to our work with Tools and Experiments:

Introducing Etic Lab's Secure Integrated Communications Suite
Featured Image

Introducing Etic Lab’s Secure Integrated Communications Suite (SICS)

Introducing SICS – a project to develop and market a communications and scheduling suite which will enable confidential advice or counselling providers to continue serving their clients post-COVID-19 without compromising the privacy and security of their personal data.

In March, thanks to the Routes to Justice Project and our work in assessing the potential for systemic impact in involving digital technologies in the affordable justice sector, we found ourselves involved in difficult conversations with people trying to navigate the early and then long-term challenges that their organisations and the wider eco-system will face in the post-COVID world.

As we wrote in the conclusion to our…

Interested in using or building a digital tool?